Fenced area

Update: 17th February 2025

After a long exchange of emails we have been told by the Council that area will be for general use pending a review in 2026.

The fenced area in the middle of Blakers Park WAS designated as dog-free for more than 50 years after local parents had asked the Council to make this a safe space for young children to play. This 1970’s request was granted because dog poo leaves toxic traces harmful to humans and the Council then put up ‘ No Dog’ signs.

In 2023 the dog free status bylaw was queried by a member of the public. Its designation was checked by the Council and as no record was found they removed the signs.

We as Friends of Blakers Park were not informed by the Council but when the signs disappeared we made several attempts to find out what was going on and how the dog free status might be reinstated.

We put up some polite request signs ourselves but these were removed.

There is now a residents petition in draft to get this matter on the Council’s agenda which we will share once we have the link.

Many members of our community – including dog lovers like ourselves – are unhappy about dogs being allowed to enter this area because it had been known as ‘dog free’ for so many years.

We have asked the Council, backed by our Councillors, for an urgent solution by returning this to its former status. 

Meanwhile we ask that everyone keep the area as clean and safe as possible.

Friends of Blakers Park

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